Mosaic ожидает спрос на удобрения в Бразилии в объеме 46 миллионов тонн в этом году
Первая партия низкоуглеродного аммиака отправилась из Абу-Даби в Германию
Acron to Reduce UAN Output in Favour of Dry Fertilisers
«Омский каучук» обновил производство кумола и изопропанола
«Сибур» одобрил гарантии финансирования «Амурского ГХК» на 10 млрд $
Mitsubishi Chemical покупает патент полиэфира из биомассы у Mitsui
NikoMag will increase production capacity of its magnesium hydroxide plant
Uniper закроет 10% потребности Германии в зеленом водороде
Production stopped at fertiliser units at Taloja in Maharashtra
LANXESS achieves full-year target for 2019
The Mosaic Company reported a net loss of US$1.07 billion for full year 2019
Asian Helsinki Chemicals Forum will take place 24-25 oct 2019
Helsinki Chemicals Forum took place in the capital of Finland
Press release: Lukoil CEO and Iraq Prime Minister discuss future cooperation
Press release: Acron Releases 2018 RAS Statements
Press release: Research and production enterprise POLYPLASTIC announced Best supplier of the year!
Press release (Uralchem): Dmitry Mazepin meets the President of Angola
Press release: Cabex 2019: R&P POLYPLASTIC managers are ready to answer the customers’ questions
Press release: Gazprom providing uninterrupted gas supplies to Kyrgyz consumers
Press release: Gazprom delegation visits Turkmenistan
Dmitry Mazepin ready to build a port in the Gulf of Finland
Press release: Acron’s 2018 IFRS EBITDA up 16% to USD 591 Million, EBITDA Margin Reaches 34%
Press release: R&P POLYPLASTIC top-management held talks with SIBUR
Press release: Lukoil continues successful appraisal drilling at Eridu Field in Iraq
Press release: Workforce Conference of the TATNEFT’s Tyre Manufacturing Complex Was Held
Press release: New DOTP facility at SIBUR’s Perm site makes first pilot shipment to customers
Press release: Gazprom Neft and Schlumberger Develop Cooperation in Well Logging
Press release: TOAZ 2018 AGM to be held on April 27, 2019
Press release: PhosAgro 4Q18 EBITDA grows 51% YoY to RUB 18.6 bln
Press release: Metafrax - the leader in methanol export
Press release: Friendship agreement signed between two cities where Lukoil operates
Press release (Acron): Notice of 2018 IFRS Results and Conference Call
Press release: Togliattiazot reduced emissions by almost 60%
Press release (Gazprom): Hungarian gas imports keep growing in 2019
Press release (Polyplastic): We invite you to our stand at the Cabex 2019 exhibition!
Press release: Lukoil recognized as the best Russian exporter among automotive industry suppliers
Press release: Board of Directors Approves PhosAgro Development Strategy to 2025
Press release: PhosAgro Board of Directors Calls 2018 Results Outstanding
Press release: Full-scale development of Kharasaveyskoye field starts in Yamal Peninsula
Press release: NGV fuel becoming increasingly popular in Russia
Press release (Gazprom): Board of Directors reviews progress of major investment projects
Press release: Gas payments by Russian consumers growing for third consecutive year