Press release: Lukoil power facilities receive winter preparedness certificates
All of LUKOIL Group companies have received winter preparedness certificates for the autumn-winter period of 2018–2019. Certificates were issued to the power-generation facilities supplying electricity and heat to households in Russia's southern regions, as well as to facilities supplying power to the company's own upstream and downstream assets.
The inspection, carried out by a commission of experts representing the Ministry of Energy, the Federal Service for Environmental, Technical and Nuclear Supervision, the Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Response, and also regional authorities, confirmed that LUKOIL was prepared for operations during the winter peak load.
Around 1,500 winterization measures had been taken across LUKOIL power-generation assets: major overhauls and maintenance of the main and auxiliary equipment, integrity tests of the main heat supply systems, and also the training and qualification of personnel.
Certification of a facility guarantees that its power-generation equipment complies with technical standards and is prepared for continuous supplies of electricity and heat to end consumers in winter months.
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