Press release: Figures Demonstrating Results of Operations for Ten Months of 2018
Enterprises of the TATNEFT Croup of Companies produced 2 million 554 thousand tonnes of crude oil in October 2018, while the production volume for ten months amounted to 24 million 345 thousand of crude oil, which was 221 thousand tonnes more than in 2017. The production volume of PJSC TATNEFT amounted to 2 million 524 thousand tonnes of crude oil in October, while the production volume for ten months amounted to 24 million 062 thousand tonnes (+233 thousand tonnes to the level of 2017).
The production volume of the subsidiaries in the licensed areas outside the Republic of Tatarstan amounted to 29 thousand tonnes of crude oil in October, while the ten months production volume amounted to 283 thousand tonnes (-11 versus the level of 2017).
The production volume of high-viscosity oil amounted to 171,579 tonnes, while the production volume from the beginning of the year amounted to 1,604,298 tonnes (+288,930 tonnes versus the same period of 2017).
New Drilling
496 new wells were built and delivered to customers in October 2018 (645 wells in 2017) with the production well drilling amounting to 289 wells, exploratory drilling accounting for 12 wells and drilling to the bitumen deposits amounting to 195 wells.
Active Well Stock Drilling
The number of delivered sidetracks and horizontal wellbores amounted to 93 wells (68 wells in 2017.
Drilling of Wells outside the Republic of Tatarstan
The completion and testing procedure is underway at well # 1 of the Dolansko-Erdnievsky area in the Republic of Kalmykia. Well No. 1 Baryernaya has been plugged and temporarily abandoned.
There were 10 production and 4 exploration wells delivered to customers in the Samara region.
Repair of Wells
Remedial well servicing operations were performed at 8,759 wells (1,003 wells in October), while 2,212 wells were subjected to workover operations (218 wells in October).
There were 54 well repair operations performed at the licensed areas outside the Republic of Tatarstan.
Formation hydrocracking operations were carried out in 743 wells (68 wells in October).
Crude oil recovery enhancement operations were performed in 2,055 wells (190 wells in October), including chemical methods applied in 879 wells (70 wells in October).
Production Performance of JSC TANECO
The TANECO Complex of Refining and Petrochemical Plants processed 796.4 thousand tonnes of raw materials in October with the volume processed since the beginning of the year amounting to 7,741.3 thousand tonnes with 735.3 thousand tonnes of raw petroleum materials processed in October and 7,164.7 of petroleum feedstock processed since the beginning of the year.
The Complex yielded 746.9 thousand tonnes of petroleum products in October 2018 with the production volume amounting to 7,236.3 thousand tonnes yielded since the beginning of the year.
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