Dorogobuzh to pay RUR 119.97 mln of dividends
Polyef opening ceremony scheduled for December 29
Balakovskie Minudobrenia produced 69,310 tonnes of ammophos
Cherepovetsky Azot produced 85,640 tonnes of ammonia in November
NZKhK net profit amounted to RUR 368 mln
Amtel-Vredestein sold its carbon black plant
Narcotic drugs laboratory discovered at Irbit Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant
Gazpromregiongaz accused of violating antimonopoly law
Greenpeace picketed Siberian Chemical Combine
Belneftekhim submitted its investment program to the government
Kstovo Refinery processed 56,320 tonnes of feedstock
Mineral fertilizers turnover of Riga seaport fell in 11 months
Metafrax held extraordinary meeting of shareholders
Amipak increased PET films and polymer containers output
Acron to pay 9-month dividends
New director at Salavatnefteorgsintez
Commodity output to reach RUR 39.8 billion at Nizhnekamskneftekhim
Sibur Holding sold shares to Gazprom
Lifosa won award from Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists
Nitol to build epoxy resin plant in Tula region
Tatneft can buy Syzran Oil Refinery
Grasis and Bauer Kompressoren plan to cooperate
Nefis Cosmetics to acquire remaining shares of Kazan MEZ
Petrochemical investments in the Omsk region totalled RUR 3.6 bn
PVC moldings market to grow by 25%
Russian environmental body to inspect KChKhK
Property of Novosibirsk-based Katalizator sequestrated
Fertilizer inventories reached critical level in Belarus
Nefis Cosmetics to become sole owner of Kazan MEZ
Environmental organization asks Shell to suspend operations at the Sakhalin-2 project
Alabuga becomes special economic zone of Russian Federation
Uralkhimplast to modernize pulverbakelite unit
St. Petersburg Seaport to construct mineral fertilizers terminal
Nitol net profit to amount to RUR 120 mln
Phosagro and Agroprodmir consolidate their chemical assets
Export customs duty on LNG to be canceled
Sibur-Khimprom propylene output rose 16% in November
Uralkali produced 5 mln tonnes of mineral fertilizers
Investors Protection Association held round table
Upakovka/Upak Italy and Interplastica 2005 exhibitions opens in Moscow
Acron produced over 15,000 tonnes of porous ammonium nitrate in November
Novartis allotted $5 mln to Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry
Iran looks with favour on Russia’s participation in building Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline
UOP to take part in Omsk Refinery’s paraxylene unit reconstruction
Tomskneftekhim to start titanium-magnesium catalyst and UHMW-PE production
Nizhnekamskneftekhim produced 9,080 tonnes of polystyrene in November