
Press release: Mikhail Katsevman commented European single-use plastics ban

On the air of “RBC” TV-channel Mikhail Katsevman, President of the Association of Plastic Processors and Head of Research and Development of R&P POLYPLASTIC, commented the European commission initiative to ban single-use plastics.

The expert particularly noted that Europe is not against using plastics. The main problem is its unreflective everyday use, which negatively affects health and environment. That is the primary reason for this initiative.

One of the means of addressing this problem is using biodegradable materials. “The leader of Russian polymer compound market R&P POLYPLASTIC is intensively working to create a Russian biodegradable material under the Armlen brand. The degradation period of such material shall not exceed two years which will be proved by European certificates,” said Mikhail Katsevman.

The complete interview is published on the official web site of “RBC” TV-channel: http://tv.rbc.ru/archive/news/5c666d089a79475d1fc55671

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