Press release: Gazprom Neft fine-tunes well construction technologies
Gazpromneft-Orenburg (a subsidiary of Gazprom Neft) has commissioned the first high-tech well built using multi-storey drilling technology. This new approach makes it possible to increase initial production by more than 40 percent, as well as increasing surface efficiency (the “sweep ratio”) and development drilling efficiency.
Constructed at the Vostochny licence block at the Orenburg oil and gas-condensate field (VU ONGKM), the "multi-storey" well is a kind of multilateral well with several branches from the main wellbore — its distinguishing feature being the replication of horizontal wells throughout the entire oil-saturated layer, in a single azimuthal direction. The horizontal section’s unique construction results in greater sweep efficiency, oil recovery, and drilling efficiency. Introducing new wells of this kind is expected to significantly increase the initial flow rate as well as slowing its reduction thereafter, and is expected to be replicated in ongoing tests.
The first well using this technology has been built at Gazpromneft-Orenburg so far, with four horizontal wells running to lengths of 150 to 500 metres. Commercial oil flow was obtained in October, at a level 40 percent above the initial flow rate. Construction of a second well is now in hand at the VU ONGKM, using improved "multi-storey with fracking (MSW-frac*)", technology involving multi-stage acid fracking. This new technology will lead to technological and cost-efficiency improvements in production drilling. Following tests on initial multi-storey wells Gazpromneft-Orenburg will take a decision on rolling-out this technology in the subsequent development of the VU ONGKM.
Irek Khabilov, CEO, Gazpromneft-Orenburg, commented: «Gazpromneft-Orenburg is consistently improving efficiency throughout all of its assets, involving cutting-edge industry developments as well as successfully creating and implementing its own solutions. The company plans to increase oil production at the VU ONGKM, as well as constructing dozens of new wells. Multi-storey drilling technology will be in considerable demand, creating considerable potential for additional profit without requiring significant additional costs.»
*MSW-frac (Multi-storey well + fracking) — is a technology involving multi-stage drilling together with hydraulic fracking. This approach involves the selective pinpointing of each wellbore by the multi-stage fracking tail pipe being lowered into the main wellbore and fracking couplings being attached to the shearing target of each subsequent branch pipe.
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