2018-11-22 06:14:19
Dmitry Konyaev, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of URALCHEM was elected as one of the five members to the Executive Board of International Fertilizers Association (IFA).
This decision was taken on IFA Board of Directors meeting within Strategic Forum held in Beijing, China on November 13th and 14th. Moreover, the Board also renewed Dmitry Konyaev’ term as Chairman of IFA’s Communications & Public Affairs Committee until the 2019 annual meeting.
The record-breaking event welcomed more than 200 registered delegates representing 94 fertilizer companies from 31 countries.
IFA – International Fertilizers Association that has 525 members in 85 countries. They represent all activities related to the production, trade, and transportation of every type of fertilizers, their raw materials and intermediates. IFA promotes the efficient and responsible production, distribution and use of plant nutrients to enable sustainable agricultural systems that contribute to a world free of hunger and malnutrition.